Seize the quick moments


I just read the most beautiful “mom” post about motherhood and raising 3 kids and unsolicited advice from strangers to “Carpe Diem- seize the day.”
I constantly remind myself anywhere I am to just pause and breath and take in all the good stuff. In the middle of a temper tantrum (me or one of the kids 😉 it is hard to pause – but I’m trying!
Right this second I’m snuggling two almost sleeping kiddos and it is my favorite place in the world- I LIVE for these moments where time stands still and I can just soak in all the peacefulness and love. It gets you through the tough stuff. It makes you feel lucky and amazing.
Here is the link to the post- I hope you enjoy it as much as I do:

(photo of me and the baby girl during one of those cherished moments -out to lunch with a wonderful friend -photo by Jennifer Norman)