my funny valentine…

the 6 yr old and i wanted to make special valentines and it took longer than i expected. even though they are not perfect i love them! i had him write the words then i stitched them on the felt and we even made envelopes.

for my valentine outfit i took an old t-shirt and stitched a heart on it. then i took some old jeans and made a skirt and i got my super-fly socks from Sock Dreams.


apron idea


i love anthropologie, especially their house accessories, so i had a idea. a while back i used a couple of dish towels from there to make kitchen curtains and i was wanting to make an easy apron so i thought the dish towels from there would make a great apron. all i did was pick out some cute ones that would work and added casing and ribbon…. so easy!


thanksgiving crafts

my 6 yr old is really into decorating for holidays. halloween looked hilarious around here because he kept drawing things and getting us to hang them from various places. so after oct 31st he was bummed about taking everything down. i told him we could decorate for thanksgiving so now my house is full of turkeys and hearts and rainbows…. not sure but he insists that hearts and rainbows are important to thanksgiving and i agree with him. he also asked me to make him a shirt like the one my friend made for the 3yr old and a “happy thanksgiving” banner.


could these two look anymore innocent?


deck quilt

ever since we screened in the back deck i started a quilt to use as a picnic blanket and cover for cold days to match the deck. i wanted something bright and cheery so i used the pattern called tumbling twenty. i used a bunch of scraps and only had to buy a couple of half yards plus the back fabric and batting. the top took forever because i worked on it in my free time which is not much so it has taken 8 months from start to finish. when i actually did the quilting part i had pneumonia for the first time ever so i felt like crap… so now when i look back on how it is not perfect i can just tell myself, “oh, i had pneumonia so that’s why it’s so crummy” ha ha!


gus is hiding….


i added a little love detail


food and a dress…

i really wanted a dress for 4th of july but i have been really busy lately so i made up this wrap dress.  i took jersey material and wrapped it around me then stitched it together at the top, added a strap and it is now my fav dess.



i am also a big fan of farmers’ markets, sometimes going twice a week. i made this amazing mushroom, basil, vegan cheese, and tomato pasta and peach wrap pie.  trader joe’s has wonderful stuff and i used these mushrooms marinated in garlic and some vegan brie or mozzarella along with my favorite farm’s fresh basil and heirloom tomatoes. (Delvin Farms near Franklin, Tn) 


the peach pie is crazy easy… just peaches (given to me by one of my favorite people- thank you Tatiana) — mix them up with a little sugar, dash of cinnamon and splash of almond extract then put them in a ready made pie crust and wrap them up, sprinkle with a little apple juice (or any juice) and sugar then bake at 400* until gorgeous.


and for your two for one pleasure… here is a guest post i did on a really cool site…

First birthday


It has been a busy few days in our house. Gracie turned one and I was on my own for the celebration which ended up being two parties… one for just me and her brothers and one with my extended family. This meant me and the hubby tried to get the house clean and the groceries acquired before he left town. I’m not sure, but I think it helps. If anything, it helps me feel better to start with a clean house even if I have to clean it seven more times until the party.

I wanted to have a pot luck supper and invite my family over because we always have great food when that happens and it means I don’t have to cook a huge meal for 25 people ha ha!

I made a fake lasagna (it’s like lasagna but with spiral pasta), garlic bread, chocolate cake and punch. I wish I had taken a picture of all the beautiful food people brought, but I completely forgot. I did get a picture of the cake. I also made her a crown out of fabric scraps and took a ton of cute pictures.


As I was getting ready for the party I decided I needed to recover my spare dining chairs. So I loaded all the kids in the van and we went to the fabric store to get fabric for that project and a table cloth for the kids table and another table cloth for my dining room. The only reason this was financially possible was the 50% off sale at the nice fabric store nearby. So all that cost less than the day before when I went I to the party store to buy balloons and ended up spending $50. on “1st Birthday” party supplies. I finally realize why the baby of the family gets spoiled… being the last kid, I think, we just want to treasure all the last milestones. This was the last time I was going to have a one year old. I made all their birthdays as wonderful as possible but now I am sort of celebrating my own milestone and trying to hold on to my own memories. This was a great first birthday.


chairs before/after

nap time
